Look Up Celebration at The Fountain: Photography and Interview Guidelines

We sincerely appreciate your interest in covering the Will Graham Look Up Celebration at The Fountain. While we are pleased to assist you as much as possible in gathering information and developing your report, please remember that – first and foremost – this is a time of worship, prayer and evangelism. With this in mind, please respect the privacy of attendees and those coming forward at the invitation following the sermon.

No media representatives will be allowed in the counseling area during or after the invitation.

  • Photographers are welcome in front of the stage during the music, testimonies, and the first few minutes of Will Graham’s sermon. At the appointed time, we will ask that you return to the press area.
  • Please respect the privacy of those responding to the invitation. You may take long shots and wide shots, but we ask that you refrain from taking close shots of faces as they come forward and are in the counseling area.
  • Please do not seek an interview with anyone – counselors or inquirers – while they are in the counseling area following the sermon. You may seek an interview after the counseling is over and they have left the area. Please be considerate of those that would prefer to not talk to the media.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have on this matter. Thank you again for covering the Will Graham Look Up Celebration at The Fountain, and thank you for your consideration of these guidelines.

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